QUEEN CHARLOTTE ​​​​​​​YACHT CLUB​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


QCYC invite you to attend the Special General Meeting at 6pm on Monday 5th September, 2022 in the King Salmon Wardroom, Queen Charlotte Yacht Club.The purpose of the AGM is to approve the Audited QCYC Annual Performance Report 2021/2022 and the proposed amendments to the QCYC Constitution. 

The bar and galley will be open from 5pm for refreshments and light bar snacks.

Documents for the Special General Meeting

QCYC SGM Agenda 
QCYC Draft Minutes AGM June 2022
QCYC Draft Minutes SGM August 2021
QCYC Audited Annual Perfomance Report 2021/22
QCYC Proposed Constitution Sept 2022
QCYC Constitution Process and Key Changes Report

Article added: Thursday 18 August 2022


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